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LeptiTrim System - lose weight thru a healthy, nutricious and delicious way

What could be better than losing those extra inches thru a healthy, nutritious and delicious way?

The Lepti Trim system contains colostrum, known as the most life supporting subtance, as well as Leptin which is clinically proven to shrink fat cells. The Lepti Trim System will not only help you lose those unwanted pounds but also gives you anti-aging benefit!

Welcome to the LeptiTrim System!

  • More than 400 constituent elements through the introduction of LeptiTrim™
  • Additional BodyBenefits™ produced by LeptiTrim™
  • Long term balancing of your body with LeptiTrim™
The LeptiTrim System contains colostrum, known as the most life supporting substance on the planet, as well as Leptin which is clinically proven to shrink fat cells. Leptin is a protein-like hormone, discovered in 1994, that works to regulate body weight and metabolism. It is expressed predominantly by adipose tissue, the fancy word for fat cells, and is also utilized by the part of the hypothalamus known to help regulate body weight. Studies have found that when fat cells decrease in size, they appear to synthesize more and more Leptin.

The Lepti-Trim System contains Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-1), which is a very powerful anti-aging component. Dr. Don Lein, Professor Emeritus, of Cornell University, has tested multiple times the powerful anti-aging component Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF- 1) found within the cornerstone of the Lepti-Trim system, colostrum. “IGF-1 has a direct effect on every cell and system in the body, it is the main component for keeping us young!” as stated in Dr. Lein’s new book: Colostrum; The Natural Prescription for Your Well Being.

Originally developed to build muscle in animals, naturally occurring Leptin appears to lead to a dramatic reduction in food intake as well as the taste for sweets and cravings and can lead to as much as a 50 percent reduction in body weight within months. Along with decreased food consumption, there is an increase in the body’s energy expenditure, which in turn leads to a loss of fat tissue mass and an increase in lean muscle. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that Leptin not only re - sulted in signi­cant weight loss, “more than 95% of weight loss was fat loss,” note researchers. All this should really come as no surprise when you know that the word Leptin comes from the Greek word Leptos, meaning thin.

A prominent researcher, Daniel Shawn, BS, reported in an article published in Ironman Magazine, “There is no other compound in the universe, to date, which can help you better than IGF-1, not steroids, not biotechnology and its genetically engineered GH, not releasing factors, not even a strict diet of pure amino acid and glycogen. Plain and simple, IGF-1 is the end all and be-all of anabolic peptide growth factors.”

This powerful Anti-Aging peptide has proven time and time again to yield some very amazing results. Many individuals have reported that they noticed a considerable increase in lean muscle, a shorter recovery time following an injury or surgery, increased endurance and athletic performance and more. The cornerstone of wellness from birth is Mother’s Milk or Colostrum. It is known as the most life supporting substance on the planet. It naturally contains Leptin as well as all 87 anti-aging factors and a host of many vital nutritional building blocks.

Most importantly, colostrum offers every individual the benefits they need to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

In Colostrum, Life’s First Food, Dr. Daniel G. Clark’s basic message, as printed on the back cover of his book, is that bovine colostrum rebuilds the immune system, destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi, accelerates healing of all body tissue, helps lose weight, burn fat, increase bone and lean muscle mass and slows down and even reverses aging. According to Clark and the well-known naturopathic physician, Dr. Bernard Jensen, colostrum has a therapeutic role to play in AIDS, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, allergies, herpes, bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, gingivitis, colds, the u and much more. Colostrum has antioxi - dant properties, is anti-inammatory and is a source of many vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Immune Tree is proud to offer you this life changing proprietary, inch-loss,  anti-aging system so that you can feel young and look great!

LeptiTrim SYSTEM Possible benefits:

  • Shrinking Fat Cells
  • Elevated Moods
  • Improved Sex Drive
  • Balanced Blood Sugar Levels
  • Slow Down/Reverse Aging
  • Bone Growth
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Increased Muscle Tone
  • Antioxidant Benefits
  • Better Sleep
  • Immune Balancing
  • Tightening/Toning of Skin
  • pH Balancing
  • Thyroid Support
  • Reduced Stress Levels
  • Vitamin/Mineral De­ciency
  • Anti-Inflammation
  • Proper Elimination
  • Improved Metabolism
  • Carbohydrate Metabolism

LeptiTrim Daytime brings your body back into well-balanced shape, looking and feeling younger by providing several key factors: IGF-1, Leptin, and balancing blood chemistries to regulate insulin-resistant weight gain. The formula also includes Garcinia cambogia to naturally curb appetite, green tea to promote fat burning, and the natural herb Hoodia gordonii for appetite suppression.

LeptiTrim Meal Replacement Shakes include nutritious ingredients to further help metabolize fat, improve muscle tone, curb cravings and provide energy. The shakes are ideal for those looking to “inch” beyond the loss achieved by the daytime capsules. They’re available in vanilla and chocolate, and increase your protein intake while lowering your carbs. The shakes contain colostrum and Leptin, as well as Suma, an adaptogenic herb from the Amazon rain forest that contains 19 di­erent amino acids, electrolytes and trace minerals to support the immune system.

Taurine is an amino acid building block, vital for the utilization of minerals like calcium and magnesium. L-glutamine helps build lean muscle, and acetyl- L-carnitine increases the body’s use of fat as a source of energy.

LeptiTrim Cleanse , a synergistic blend of minerals, amino acids and enzymes, is a powerful, dynamic formula to cleanse, detoxify and nourish the body. The ingredients in this powder work to aid proper digestion, increase nutrient absorption and energy, and gently cleanse the colon of stored waste. The list of ingredients is a virtual “who’s who” of building blocks and also includes the minerals calcium, potassium, and magnesium. You can mix it with your favorite juice or with Lepti-Trim shake.

What could be more precious than our health and the health of those we love? Consider some of the results that many Lepti-Trim System users have experienced, and decide for yourself if you are ready to change your life!?

LimuZ6 with Acai Berry Extract

LimuZ6 with Acai Berry Extract

LimuZ6 Plus is a synergy of supplemental support so strong that most people can actually feel the difference within 10-15 minutes. Limu Z6 Plus is the most powerful anti-aging supplement in the world, supporting Multiple Systems such as your immune, endocrine, nervous and others.

Limuz6 Plus is not only one of the most powerful anti-aging dietary supplements in the world, but it is also an immune-supporting dietary supplement packed with the combined benefits of:
  • Colostrum
  • Laminaria Japonica
  • Fucoidan
  • Fucoxanthin
  • Clinoptilolite
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine
  • Acai Extract 4:1 Berry Pulp
The constituent benefits of LimuZ6 Plus have been demonstrated to provide support for: Anti-Aging, Memory, Mental Clarity, Increased Energy, Improved Skin Tone, Inch Loss, Muscle Toning and Heavy Metal Reduction.

All these benefits in a convenient, effervescing formula that can be carried, sampled, and served from the Limuz6 Plus “Strength Straws” (30 individual servings are separately packaged in each Limuz6 Plus canister for simple serving in bottled or filtered water).

Limuz6 Plus with Fucoidan and Colostrum, is the most powerful, dynamic anti-aging, inch-loss, muscle-toning, immune-boosting, essential vitamin and mineral wellness supplement available on the market today.

What makes Limuz6 Plus so powerful?

Limuz6 Plus has combined “Mothers Milk from the Land- Colostrum with Mothers Milk from the Sea- Limu” to form a revolutionary product that benefits your Immune System, Endocrine System and your Nervous System, plus the Anti-Aging factors in the base as well. Limuz6 Plus has condensed 40 pounds of limu (Laminaria Japonica) down to one pound, a 40:1 ratio, to give the highest concentration available. And that’s only the beginning.

Fucoidan occurs naturally in seaweed between 2.5 and 4%. The concentration level of Fucoidan Extract in Limuz6 Plus is 80%. We then return this highly concentrated Fucoidan extract to the base of our Limuz6 Plus .

And there’s more! Limuz6 Plus is effervescent and isotonic. Which means, it has the same electrolyte balance as our blood! It is highly absorbable and has immediate delivery into the system because it bypasses the digestive process.

Taking colostrum and limu, and placing them in a 100% all natural food base with no preservative and support them with an effervescent delivery system is truly a breakthrough in the health industry.

How can Limuz6 Plus help me?

As scientific data on its constituents emerge, this ocean organic is creating new interest among biochemists. Limu, as a whole food in combination with first milking colostrum, offers remarkable Nutritive, Immune-Building, Disease- Fighting and Anti-Aging properties. In its concentrated form, it promises an even wider variety of therapeutic applications.

You Can Slow Down the Aging Process

Evidence now suggests that disease, including chronic egenerative disease, is not the inevitable consequence of aging, but rather the result of the individual’s Neuro-Endocrine-Immune (NEI) systems reacting to today’s stressful environment.

Neurological System: Mood, memory, and clear mental focus are all functions of your neurologi cal system. When the nervous system weakens, it affects many dfferent areas of the body. An
individual can become insulin-resistant, muscle loses tone, and the body starts to take on an apple shape. Blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure increase, fatigue sets in and sleep be comes restless. An individual slips toward depression and inflammation increases, and the body’s ability to defend against infections like the common cold and flu decrease.

Endocrine System : The hormonal or endocrine system controls everything from hot flashes to testosterone levels, from metabolic function to the repair and regeneration cycles of our cells. As we age, the hormonal levels change and the ability to repair and regenerate is reduced.

Immune System: The purpose of the immune system is to keep infectious microorganisms such as certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi, out of the body and to destroy any infectious microorganisms that do invade the body. The immune system is made up of a complex and vital network of cells and organs that protect the body from infection. Impaired immune performance causes the body to fall prey to serious infections, injury, and disease producing organisms. Our immune system becomes less effective, and the body cannot rid itself of the toxins that build up. It takes a little longer to recover from small illnesses, and we become more vulnerable to disease.

These three systems play a critical role in our body’s ability to Reduce, Repair, and Rebuild-conditions greatly necessary to maintain youthful vitality and health. Limuz6 Plus directly addresses the needs of these systems. The future of nutritional science lies not in merely supporting one body system as if it functioned independently of the others, but in a product that supports the major body systems simultaneously. Limuz6 Plus is a unique discovery which is experiencing overwhelming success in helping to balance, strengthen, and support these systems.

How was Limu Discovered?

There is an island of the coast of Okinawa called Hachi Jo, known as the island of longevity. This island has a reputation of producing a disproportional number of centenarians — people who live over 100 years of age. In fact, the residents are rarely infected with modern diseases such as cancer, irregular blood pressure, strokes, cardiac infarction, or Alzheimer disease. Curious health minded researchers questioned their superior longevity, vigor, disease resistance and overall body strength and stature. The relative longevity and health was attributed, in part, to their consumption of Limu.

It was further discovered that Japanese women experience one of the lowest breast cancer rates in the world. The Japanese population also has a lower incidence of heart disease, respiratory disease, arthritis, thyroid disease, infectious disease, gastrointestinal problems, high blood pressure and diabetes. Recent studies credit continuous consumption of seaweed (Limu) in providing the Japanese people with a distinct advantage over the rest of the world’s population.

What is Limuz6 Plus ?

Limuz6 Plus is a combination of Limu and first milking colostrum. Limu is a special brown seaweed growing in the pristine waters of the Pacific ocean near the island called Hachi Jo. It is a natural food based substance that has a healing effect on the Neuro-Endocrine-Immune systems of the body. See for yourself how unique and truly wonderful this product is.

Limuz6 Plus is an effervescent and isotonic, which means Limuz6 Plus has the same electrolyte balance as our blood. Limuz6 Plus is highly absorbable and has an immediate delivery into the system.

Components of Limuz6 Plus :
  • Colostrum - Mother Earth's Gift

    This perfect gift begins with the formation of life itself. Colostrum is a food produced by mothers, it is not milk, but precedes milk production. Colostrum's benefits are fine tuned by nature to deliver increased immune efficiency, metabolism support, tissue repair and regeneration. Throughout history, Colostrum has played a vital role in the health of mankind.

    Colostrum benefits us by supporting healthy immune function, body fat reduction, building lean muscle, speedy recovey of injuries, increase of vitality and stamina and anti-aging benefits.

  • Laminaria Japonica and Fucoidan - Mother Earth's Gift from the Sea

    Just off the coast of Japan lies an island called Hachi Jo which is also known as the Island of Longevity. Here people enjoy significantly long and healthy lives. The native people credit Laminaria Japonica, or limu. For thousands of years this culture has used one of Mother Earth's gifts to their advantage!

    They have been documented and studied by health professionals around the world due to their low incidence of heart disease, respiratory disease, arthritis, thyroid disease, infectious diseases, gastrointestinal problems, high blood pressure and diabetes.

    Laminaria Japonica has 70 vital nutrients, including immune-supporting antioxidants, polyphenols, amino acids, glyconutrients, vitamins and minerals.

    Many scientific studies point to the single most significant substance found in Laminaria Japonica, which is called Fucoidan. This complex polysaccharide helps boost the immune system. It is one of natures most surprising and beneficial gifts within a gift!

    Laminaria Japonica benefits are supporting the body's own natural process through skin texture and skin elasticity, emotional stability and memory, joint function, overcoming brain fog, healthy cell growth and healthy cholesterol levels.

    Over 700 scientific studies show the following Fucoidan benefits.

    Highly concentrated complex polysaccharides that represent one of the most important discoveries in nutrition and immune support.

    • Enhance Immunity
    • Fight Allergies
    • Inhibit Blood Clotting
    • Decrease Cholesterol levels
    • Lowers High Blood Pressure
    • Stabilize Blood Sugar
    • Relieve Stomach Disorders
    • Improve and Support Liver Function
    • Tighten Skin and Maintain Skin Moisture
    • Detoxifies Body of Heavy Metals and Dangerous Chemicals
    • Has Antiviral, Antibacterial, and Anticancer Properties
    • Contains Powerful Antioxidant Compounds

  • Fucoxanthin

    Regulates the uncoupling protein1 (UCP1), which controls the burn of belly fat and increases thermogenesis.

  • Clinoptilolite

    Part of the zeolite family which has been shown to bind and remove heavy metals and toxins, balance pH and release negative ions to provide a natural sustained energy.

  • Acai Extract 4:1 Berry Pulp

    Which provides anthrocyanin (an antioxidant flavonoid) for cellular regeneration and energy, plus Omega-3 fatty acids which help with inflammation.

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine

    As an enhancement to Mother Earth's gifts, Total Wellness International has added a powerful amino acid known as Acetyl-L-Carnitine to the Limuz6 Plus. The powerful synergy of Mother Earth's gifts, Colostrum, Laminaria Japonica, Fucoidan and Zeolite, combined with Acetyl-L-Carnitine creates a product with multiple benefits.

    Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the brain. It plays an important role in the production of mental acuity and energy. As we age natural levels of this vital amino acid diminish and we may experience memory loss. Research has shown that Acetyl-L-Carnitine has a profoundly positive impact on memory and cognition retention.

    Acetyl-L-Carnitine benefits us by supporting the body's own natural process fight against dementia, improving memory and attention, helping with depression, reducing oxidative damage, improving weight loss, helping the fight against heart disease
Combined together, Limuz6 Plus provide the following benefits to us:
  • All Essential Amino Acids: Building blocks for hormone, muscle, and connective tissue.
  • All Essential Fatty Acids: Builds cell membranes. The strength of the cell wall determines the rate at which an individual ages.
  • All Essential Glyconutrients: Essential for proper cell communication (one of the 10 most important technologies of the 21st century, according to MIT scientists). Glyconutrients also encourage NK-Cells and B-Cells regeneration, thereby speeding up the body’s immune attack against foreign invaders.
  • Transfer Factors: Helps immune system remember how to attack invading diseases.
  • Over 95 Immune Factors: Your immune system is under constant attack. When your body is properly defended, disease and illness decrease.
  • All 87 Natural Anti-Aging Growth Factors: IGF-1 & IGF-2 are some of the IGF-1 Super Family that stimulate new cell growth in the body, and have been proven to help with the following issues.
    • Repairs damaged tissue
    • Helps fight premature aging—lessens wrinkles, reduces fat, renews skin and bone
    • Increases energy, lean muscle mass, and sex drive
    • Found in association with every cell in our body and every system in our body
    • Helps with muscle strength, skin texture, skin elasticity, new hair growth, flexibility, emotional stability, memory.
  • Alginates: Binds heavy metals and radioactive substances.
  • Polyphenols: Highly concentrated antioxidant compounds that collect dangerous free radicals capable of damaging cells and causing degenerative conditions. (This alone is enough reason to consider it a valuable supplement).
  • Live Plant Enzymes: Boosts protein digestion, immune function, and overall health.


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